*dGn NaMa ALLAH*

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mY bLoGz

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[[* uMmiEe *]]
[[* uNkNoWn *]]
[[* SuHaNa *]]
[[* cT *]]
[[* FiQo *]]
[[* KisAh uMmiE *]]
[[* HidaYa *]]
[[* SuLaZ *]]
[[* aL-QadiRi *]]
[[* mY bRo!! *]]
[[* kAk iZzAh *]]
[[* aQiLi *]]
[[* aKhiE aZhAr *]]
[[* PuTiHzAmRuD *]]


[[* DaiLy Ta'LiM *]]

[[* IsLaMwAy *]]

[[* NaSyid.CoM *]]
[[* aLwAn cOmiCz *]]
[[* LiriK nAsYid *]]

[[ mEnGeNai diRikU ]]
NuR AiSya
24th JuNe 1987
mEmpUnyAi 3 aDik bErAdiK
rIghT hAndEd

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[[ sHe's mE ]]

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cHaK! taken 15 JuLy 2005

[[ fAvOuriTes ]]
M.I.A for life! haha
piNk coLoUr
mAin bAdminTon
LaUk mEraH n aSaM mAniS
dGr NasYid
sMsiNg--> tP bUdgEt! haha
rEad cOmiCs
ediT bLoGz

[[ mUsiC ]]

SaMi YuSof ---> TrY nOt To CrY

sLuMb3rGaLz uNitE
da wOWz!!
a day b4 kak ika's weddin
iTz aLL aBouT tOdAe
wAts uP bRo??
SaTu hAri...
kEnAnGaN bUaT wiNky...
-JuZ gEt bZ-

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006

[[* todae...todae...todae... *]]

Friday, May 13, 2005

wahhh.. early mornin got 2 msgs... so hepi!~ yippez!~ *jumping jumpingz* hehehehe. hmmm, wanna noe who msg me??? shh... secretTt!! hahahahaha!
okk, enuff abt da jumpingz.. gettin mabokz laa. ahahahaha.

nxt... aku spent time dgn na kat umahh aku nihh. ahaha. kecohz sehh. ade laa satu anak angkatt mak aku nihh kat mesirr.. fuy~ aku dgn na kacau dia to da max ah. sampaikn dia pon tkleh carry! muahahahaha. hmmmz~ ape2 jelahh kitowang nihh. den... duk sembang2~ den lps isyak, kitowang mkn.... lps mkn, kaco org lagikz! muahahaha.

hmmmz, dlm kul 10.30pm gituh, abg iparku nk ke kerja. hari nih dia kene shift malam. kesiann dia... but den, masa lps dia mandi tuh, dia kluar toilet, tiba2 jek mata dia merahh. dua2 mata plak tuhh! adush! aku tgk seramm sehh. kesiann sey dia.... kene tahan sakett. tmpat keje dia pon satu. tk nk kasi dia off. ape ahhh!! haiz... kesiann abg azmi... hmmz, mudah2an dpt jgak leave yer.... hope he's doin alrite bebeh~

.::. oUtz.. sHa .::. 11:14 PM

*^* sEkiAn... wAsSaLaM *^*

Never say I Love You, If you don't really care... Never talk of feelings, If they aren't really there... Never hold my hand, If you mean to break my heart... Never say forever, If you ever plan to part... Never look into my eyes, If you are telling me a lie... Never say hello, If you think you'll say goodbye... Never say that I'm the ONE, If you dream of more than me... Never lock up my heart, If you don't have the key...