*dGn NaMa ALLAH*

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mY bLoGz

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[[* uMmiEe *]]
[[* uNkNoWn *]]
[[* SuHaNa *]]
[[* cT *]]
[[* FiQo *]]
[[* KisAh uMmiE *]]
[[* HidaYa *]]
[[* SuLaZ *]]
[[* aL-QadiRi *]]
[[* mY bRo!! *]]
[[* kAk iZzAh *]]
[[* aQiLi *]]
[[* aKhiE aZhAr *]]
[[* PuTiHzAmRuD *]]


[[* DaiLy Ta'LiM *]]

[[* IsLaMwAy *]]

[[* NaSyid.CoM *]]
[[* aLwAn cOmiCz *]]
[[* LiriK nAsYid *]]

[[ mEnGeNai diRikU ]]
NuR AiSya
24th JuNe 1987
mEmpUnyAi 3 aDik bErAdiK
rIghT hAndEd

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[[ sHe's mE ]]

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cHaK! taken 15 JuLy 2005

[[ fAvOuriTes ]]
M.I.A for life! haha
piNk coLoUr
mAin bAdminTon
LaUk mEraH n aSaM mAniS
dGr NasYid
sMsiNg--> tP bUdgEt! haha
rEad cOmiCs
ediT bLoGz

[[ mUsiC ]]

SaMi YuSof ---> TrY nOt To CrY

piC tiMe RaYer...
sLmt meNymbuT RaMadhAn aL-MubaRaK...
ahaha.. lamer aku MIA
new spotz!
watzup wif todae??
hehehe.. tukat lagu lagiee...

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006

[[* rAya piCs fRoM mY cAmErA.. *]]

Friday, November 18, 2005

haaa!! finally the slumb3rgalz got a day for hari raya. haha. best tul hari ni. jln tk henti ketawa2, bercerita2(tk termasok mengumpat.haha), senyum2, happy2 dan ape2 yg sewaktu dgnnya. hehehe.

planning smua kumpul kat umah aku kul 11am. suhana smpai on time. puctual sehh bdak nie!! tk sabar nk jln raya kot? hehehehe. *sori na..maaf zahir batin ek*hehehe. pastu tgu daya plak. hmm, tgu punya tgu, cukup time kul 12 lebih dia sampai. daya!!! u so late!!! hahahaha. =P actually, dlm byk2 aku lah yg paling lmbat. hehehe. time suhana, daya n adik dia dtg, im still wif my t-shirt. hehehe. paling last laa aku siap. haha. nwe, aku tgu abg aku balek solat jumaat. so abt 2.30pm kitorng baru strt jalan ke 2nd house, which is at bukit panjang.. daya's fren. kat rumah kwn daya tu, fuy~ kenyang tul aku.. haha. makan mee speghetti*oopz sori kalo salah spelling* hehehe. den we move on to the 3rd house... haaa.. guess whose house was dis?? haha. its daya!!! smbang2.. mkn kuih... pastu gi 4th house. juz opposit daya's block. this 4th house was daya's aunt. hmmm, we do spent alot of time there. byk tul criter daya dgn makcik dia. hehehehe. yelaa kan, lamer tk jumpa.. nk melepaskan rindu lah tuu. hehehehe.*sori yak..maaf zahir batin yerr*hehehe =D den last but not least.......... we finally reach na's house!! bermacam2 duri2 dn liku2 perjalanan ke rumah... al-suhana............. hahahaha =P by the time dah nk maghrib, so we lpskan wktu dulu. sementara tgu abg aku fetch aku, we watched vcd ceramah ust aqil yg latest dia ceramah kat spore. hehehe. best jgak. 1st disc abish on time kul 7.30pm. by e time abg aku pon dah smpai.. sblom ciow, sempat jgak kitorng snap2 gambo. hehehe.
well, dis is juz a few pics dat i got in my camera... yg lain smua kat camera daya. hmm, tgh tgu ni daya pass gambar2 tu. daya!!! cepat skit ahh!! hahaha.

1sT house was my house.. dis is at the living rm.. haha. bergaya tul bdak2 nih! =P

pastu ber-posing kat tangga.. haha.. -->>

oOopZ! the pic is blur... time ni kat umah hidaya tau. kucing dia cute tau. mcm teddy bear aku pegang dia tau. hehehehe. tau tau tau?? tau tak? hahaha =P

haaa yg ni kat umah suhana. muka satu2 mcm terpaksa senyum sehh. muahahaha! penat dahh.... =P ----->>>

hehehe. tu lah aku tgh seronok minum air sejuk. hehe. nasib tk mabokz! haha =P

wokayz!~ datz all for todae.. nnti2 kalo yak dah pass gambo2 raya dari camera dia, aku post in lagiee kayz! orite then.. aku nk bebual dgn pkwer aku. hehehe. =D bubbye~

.::. oUtz.. sHa .::. 10:48 PM

*^* sEkiAn... wAsSaLaM *^*

Never say I Love You, If you don't really care... Never talk of feelings, If they aren't really there... Never hold my hand, If you mean to break my heart... Never say forever, If you ever plan to part... Never look into my eyes, If you are telling me a lie... Never say hello, If you think you'll say goodbye... Never say that I'm the ONE, If you dream of more than me... Never lock up my heart, If you don't have the key...