*dGn NaMa ALLAH*

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mY bLoGz

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[[* uMmiEe *]]
[[* uNkNoWn *]]
[[* SuHaNa *]]
[[* cT *]]
[[* FiQo *]]
[[* KisAh uMmiE *]]
[[* HidaYa *]]
[[* SuLaZ *]]
[[* aL-QadiRi *]]
[[* mY bRo!! *]]
[[* kAk iZzAh *]]
[[* aQiLi *]]
[[* aKhiE aZhAr *]]
[[* PuTiHzAmRuD *]]


[[* DaiLy Ta'LiM *]]

[[* IsLaMwAy *]]

[[* NaSyid.CoM *]]
[[* aLwAn cOmiCz *]]
[[* LiriK nAsYid *]]

[[ mEnGeNai diRikU ]]
NuR AiSya
24th JuNe 1987
mEmpUnyAi 3 aDik bErAdiK
rIghT hAndEd

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[[ sHe's mE ]]

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cHaK! taken 15 JuLy 2005

[[ fAvOuriTes ]]
M.I.A for life! haha
piNk coLoUr
mAin bAdminTon
LaUk mEraH n aSaM mAniS
dGr NasYid
sMsiNg--> tP bUdgEt! haha
rEad cOmiCs
ediT bLoGz

[[ mUsiC ]]

SaMi YuSof ---> TrY nOt To CrY

so was yesterday~
wats in my heart??
semankin hari..
wat shall i say??
eArLy mOrniNg..*yAwNz*...........
wat to do~
GuEsS fRoM wHo..??
finally its fridae!!~

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006

[[* wOoOoOohhHooOo!!~ *]]

Saturday, August 13, 2005

hahaha.. thingz been happening around me... haiz.. juz too lazy to update dis blog man.. haha. let me count... hmm? abt 8 dayz being MIA?? ahaha. nvr mind.. as for now, i sacrifice abit of my time to update a new chpter here.. hahaha.

hav u heard abt kebayarobics?? hahaha.. its the combination name of kebaya + arobic. wooHoo!! not bad aaa!! been enjoying doin dis exercise man!!! hahaha. boleh tahan laa ke-slim-an aku tuu.. muahahaha. but overall... i slept more aaa.. so come back to the square one aaa. haha. got the cd from my auntie. den i burnt a copy for myself. share it wif my parents...
haaa! there's dis one mornin abt 4am.. time aku bgn, mak bapak aku dah bgn aaa. diorng tgh srapan. aku straight gi toilet.. bila aku kluar toilet, makbapak aku dah abish makan. they wasn't in the kitchen. den, aku pon kluar dapor.. time aku kluar dapor, aku toleh kanan, mak aku tgh duk dpn com... den bila aku toleh kiri... JENG JENG JENG!!! ade lembaga putih tgh buat lambaian exercise atas bawah! terkejot aku dibuatnye! nasib tk pengsan! cukup time bila aku usha tul2, haiya... bapak aku tgh buat arobic tu laaa... dgn jubah putih dia!!! ahahaha. terkejot gillerr sehh akuu... fuy~ aku kembali tgk mak aku yg sedang berhadapan dgn com. aku pon tersenyum2 sendiri. hahaha. panic tk tentu pasal! hahaha. rilex...

-cempedak goreng-
fuyyoooo~ sedap gillerrr........... lamer sehh tak makan cempedak goreng.. betapa rindunya ku pada mu.. oh cempedak goreng!!!!!!! ahahahahaha. gilerrzz........ puas sehh makan. td ptg abg aku gi pasar malam kat jurong.. he bought the cempedaks there.. fuy~*high* hahaha. nikmat.. nikmat.. nikmat...

-recently happening-
hmmz.. ape ek.. yg berlaku~ aku luper aaa.. but so far aku tahu aku so-so aaa. mcmm biasa.. happy + excited + down ++ ape2 laa yg patot.. hahaha. crapz!
nwe, risau lak aku.. kat mesia the air gettin unhealthy b'coz of the haze.. haiz.. kawasan perak pon ade jgak kene effect.. but tk seteruk KL aaa. hope it's not gettin worst down there... kat spore tk kene effect lagi.. cuma ntah. sket2 kot? aku pon tk tgk news spore. hehehe. too focus kat mesia. haha.

last nite pikir nk call ehem2! but unfortunately aku dah tk leh carry sehh.. by 9.50pm gituh, aku dah landing.. baP! zZzZzzZZzzZ!!! hahaha. penat semacam. ntah ape ntah yg aku penatkan. hahaha. minum milo terlebih kot? haha. silap aaa.. patot minum kopi ek! *bluerk* hahaha. watevr it is, hope he's doin fine there... lamer laa dia tk online. aku pon dah jarang online jgak.. balek2 tidOoOOo!! bgn.. bukak quran den capai buku maths aku. need too brush up my maths man!! lagi2 additional maths.... fuy~ hopefully dapat aaa flying colourz..........amienn!!~ ape ek lagi............ aku dah tkleh pikit ape lagi aaaaa nk crite ape........ aku rase mlm nie aku landing lagi awal kot? kul 9pm aaa.. lps nie.. nk go wash up... den... baP! yeSS!! dats the time when there's peace!!! hahaha. chioWz.......

.::. oUtz.. sHa .::. 8:03 PM

*^* sEkiAn... wAsSaLaM *^*

Never say I Love You, If you don't really care... Never talk of feelings, If they aren't really there... Never hold my hand, If you mean to break my heart... Never say forever, If you ever plan to part... Never look into my eyes, If you are telling me a lie... Never say hello, If you think you'll say goodbye... Never say that I'm the ONE, If you dream of more than me... Never lock up my heart, If you don't have the key...