*dGn NaMa ALLAH*

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mY bLoGz

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[[* uMmiEe *]]
[[* uNkNoWn *]]
[[* SuHaNa *]]
[[* cT *]]
[[* FiQo *]]
[[* KisAh uMmiE *]]
[[* HidaYa *]]
[[* SuLaZ *]]
[[* aL-QadiRi *]]
[[* mY bRo!! *]]
[[* kAk iZzAh *]]
[[* aQiLi *]]
[[* aKhiE aZhAr *]]
[[* PuTiHzAmRuD *]]


[[* DaiLy Ta'LiM *]]

[[* IsLaMwAy *]]

[[* NaSyid.CoM *]]
[[* aLwAn cOmiCz *]]
[[* LiriK nAsYid *]]

[[ mEnGeNai diRikU ]]
NuR AiSya
24th JuNe 1987
mEmpUnyAi 3 aDik bErAdiK
rIghT hAndEd

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[[ sHe's mE ]]

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cHaK! taken 15 JuLy 2005

[[ fAvOuriTes ]]
M.I.A for life! haha
piNk coLoUr
mAin bAdminTon
LaUk mEraH n aSaM mAniS
dGr NasYid
sMsiNg--> tP bUdgEt! haha
rEad cOmiCs
ediT bLoGz

[[ mUsiC ]]

SaMi YuSof ---> TrY nOt To CrY

wats in my heart??
semankin hari..
wat shall i say??
eArLy mOrniNg..*yAwNz*...........
wat to do~
GuEsS fRoM wHo..??
finally its fridae!!~
duk sorng2.. menaip...
SuATu kEsyuKurAn

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006

[[* so was yesterday~ *]]

Friday, August 05, 2005

smalam, aku n na gi mejed Assyakirin kat boon lay. we left house at abt 9am. haha. awal sehh. actually our aim gi sane nk apply for job aaa. but at the same time, kitorng lepak2 kat sane dulu aaa. hehe. best tul mejed dia. quite big aaa.. plus yg paling aku suker skali is peaceful~ tmpat nye very peace.. tk kecoh2 sgt. so boley aku concentrate hafalan aku.. mase time kitorng kluar umah, nk kat hujan, mendung. time sampai kat boon lay station, fuy~ lebat gillerzz.... aku dah mcm wak kang mane gituh. heheheh. i lift up my pants up to my ankle length. tkleh laaa angkat tgi2 sgt... aurat beb. kuikuikui... den sampai je mejed, we relek2 dulu. we reached the mosque at abt 9.45am gituh. took pictures of oueselves. heheheh.. standard aa tuh. jakon laa katekan.. haha. den kitorng buat hafalan sampai zuhor.. in between dat, kitorng pon ade break. dlm kul 11 gituh, aku n na gi beli mee siam goreng kat kantin mejed tu. friendly laa makcik2 kat ctu. hehehe. time beli mee tu, suhana kata nk letak sambal. den aku pon step skali aaa. aku pon nk letak sambal jgak. pikit sambal biase2 je. skali bila makan.... fuy~ aku dah mcm org lari sepuluh batu! b'peluh seh! dah laa tuu.. mcm org m'nangis pon ade.. muahahaha. paisey tul aku. nasib tkde org. tu pon, aku pass mee aku kat na sket. tkleh abish seyy.. $1.20 je tapi byk sehh.. i full packet. nwe, maceh na.. baik tul ko tlg abishkan mee aku ek! hehehe.. after dat, we c'tinue wif our hafalan until zuhor...
lps zuhor plak, we den gi kat receptionist to apply for job. heheh.. we got to fill up the forms given.. den we heade home straight. planning nk gi zulfa kindergarten tak jadi coz masing dah m'ngantok. hehehe. makan mee kenyang beb...

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our pic taken at Assyakirin mosque. Ladies' prayer hall...

.::. oUtz.. sHa .::. 8:35 AM

*^* sEkiAn... wAsSaLaM *^*

Never say I Love You, If you don't really care... Never talk of feelings, If they aren't really there... Never hold my hand, If you mean to break my heart... Never say forever, If you ever plan to part... Never look into my eyes, If you are telling me a lie... Never say hello, If you think you'll say goodbye... Never say that I'm the ONE, If you dream of more than me... Never lock up my heart, If you don't have the key...